In September 2013 Infinite Opportunities Association started the implementation of its first project under the NGO Programme in Bulgaria within the financial mechanism of The European Economic Area ( – “Youth CAUSE – Network for Quality, Sustainability, Knowledge and Respect of the youth work in Bulgaria”. Partners in the project, which is financed by the Norwegian program for support NGOs, are Thirst of life Association and BG “Be active” , former WOW Sport Association.
The main goals of the project are:
- Promotion of capacity building activities of the participating NGOs and friendly working environment for the non – governmental sector;
- Improving of the financial and organizational sustainability of the non – governmental organizations;
- Stimulation of the self – regulation of the non – governmental sector.
- Establishment of an informational Web page (
The main activities during the project are including:
- Building partnerships and networks for youth information and support;
- Capacity building and providing information;
- Training courses for Youth Initiatives
- Awareness raising.
The total project budget is 13 448, 18 euro, while the money value granted by the NGO Programme in Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism to the European Economic Area is 12 073, 18 euro. Its duration is 12 months and the main target groups include 15 volunteers and 9 NGOs.
“YOUTH cause – network quality, sustainability, knowledge and authority youth work in Bulgaria” funded under the program to support NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014. The whole responsibility for the content of the document worn by the “Possibilities without Borders” and under no circumstances it can be assumed that this document reflect the views of the Financial mechanism of the European economic Area and the Operator of the Programme to support NGOs in Bulgaria. ”