#0NL1NE #T0LER@NCE is a project in defense of human rights and European values ​​in the Internet space. It will involve 11 volunteers from four countries (Germany, Lithuania, Italy and Spain) – and will last fourteen months, with the volunteers divided into two groups – A1, consisting of 3 long-term volunteers for 12 months and A2, consisting of 8 short-term volunteers for 2 months, who will arrive in Bulgaria in the late spring of 2015, as part of their activities the young people will look for answers to the manifestations of hatred on the Internet caused by racism, xenophobia and all other non-gender, ethno-social , religious and cultural character.

The project will be part of the large-scale international campaign “Young people against hate speech on the Internet” of the Council of Europe and will include three main aspects – youth online work, development of information and campaign interactive materials and presentations on the Internet. The SVG team aims to reach remote and small settlements in the country, where together with the international group of volunteers to discuss the topic of tolerant communication online among young people.

To ensure the learning process of volunteers, we will use non-formal education methods to increase their knowledge and skills to prevent and deal with the negative effects of using hate messages in the online environment.

The activities of the group of volunteers with a 12-month stay will be held in Sofia, while the volunteers of the two-month service will travel to different regions of the country, where they will inform the target group about tolerance and the impact of hate speech on the Internet.

This project is implemented under KA1 – Educational mobility for citizens, part of Erasmus +. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Commission or the Council of Europe.